When an old, noisy system no longer got the job done efficiently, Omni provided a refreshing option with our energy efficient 24V Flat Motor Driven Roller Conveyor.
A home security component manufacturer needed to replace an existing accumulation, packing and taping system. New workstations were needed for ergonomic and simplified box filling as well as the need for a more economically efficient accumulation line. The current accumulation line was not functioning correctly causing boxes to build up resulting in product damage. The accumulation system components were wearing out resulting in continual air release causing premature compressor failure and noise. In addition, the old system layout included 90 degree curves where the majority of the boxes were hanging up, creating a need for continual manpower to clear the curves of box jams.
Bohnert Equipment Co., Inc. contacted Omni Metalcraft Corp. to create an efficient and economical packing and taping accumulation system. Bohnert, in collaboration with Omni, redesigned the entire system to run parallel to the old system allowing installation to take place without shut down. Omni provided a Ball Transfer Table Workstation with a Pneumatic Actuated Pan for filling boxes to replace the current tables. On the new tables, the pan actuates, lifting the box up from the ball transfer, holding the box in place for filling then disengaging to allow workers to easily transfer the box straight onto the main line. In the old system, operators had to push the boxes off of the workstation to the left onto the accumulation conveyor line causing strain when moving some of the heavier packages.
Four lanes of Zero Pressure Accumulation 24V Flat Motor Conveyor feeding two tapers were installed to replace two lanes of BDLR and lineshaft. This accumulation system was needed to meter the flow of boxes being introduced to the taper because the boxes were being filled faster than they could be taped. With a variety of package sizes, the zero pressure accumulation system was designed with Long Box Technology saving more space than conventional zero pressure technology. This is achieved by designing the zone length for the shortest box allowing larger boxes to fill two zones maximizing the conveyor’s storage capacity. Four lanes were merged together utilizing FMDR straight spurs and Omni’s I-Control module. The I-Control module offered three pre-programmed options for merge flexibility. Option 1 – main line priority; Option 2 – merge line priority; Option 3 – alternating.
Once the boxes reached the taper, they were weighed and conveyed off onto a gravity roller conveyor. The gravity conveyor was built with a spring gate to allow a walk-thru for operators. After the spring gates, the two lanes of gravity conveyor merge into one lane at the loading dock.
This was a quiet, low maintenance, energy efficient and ergonomic replacement to a costly, outdated, noisy, broken down, high maintenance conveyor system.
- The Product: Boxed Home Security Components
- The Industries: Durable Goods
- The Components: 24V Zero Pressure Flat Motor Driven Roller Conveyor with Universal Control Zero Pressure Accumulation and I-Control Merge Technology, Ball Transfer Workstations with Pneumatic Actuated Pans, Gravity Roller Conveyor with Spring Gates
Bohnert Equipment Co., Inc.
1010 S. 9th Street
Louisville, KY 40203
Website: www.bohnert.com
System Conveyors
Omni Metalcraft Corp.
Alpena, Michigan 49707